

I'm not entirely sure why I feel like doing Blog Everyday in April this year. I also don't know what I am going to write about. But I figure since I spend most of my time sitting on my bed playing Bubble Spinner, I have time to write something down.
My brain thought a lot today about my Philosophy project. I have to write a 2500 word dialogue (which chrome is insisting is spelled wrong). It was to be between 3-5 characters and they have to be "as smart as I can make them." Can't characters I'm writing only be as smart as I am? Anything they say, I have to know. So, I think that is sort of weird. But the topic is forgiveness, broadly. More specifically in regards to what we have learned in class and The Sunflower. Which is this book we read (okay I haven't actually read it yet). I am a little afraid that I am going to get too into this assignment. It has happened before. I like when school lets me think about deep things but it turns into rambles sometimes. Like this blog.
Other than that assignment, I have one other paper that's due Monday, two finals and I am more or less done with my first year in college. Strange to think how fast it went and how little about it I feel mattered at all. I did learn a lot of things about myself and about the people in my life. I think that is what I am going to do on the even days of the month; on each one I am going to write about a different person in my life. Just whatever I want to write about them, that sounds good. On the odd days I think I am going to talk about some pop-culturey thing. A movie or book or something nerdfighter related.


Days 'Til Schools Over : 27

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