
All Caps Harry

Howdy There. Today was a normal lazy Sunday. I slept until noon. Ordered pizza with Hannah and Melissa. Hung around. Went to dinner in the caf. Brittany would not stop being her annoying-as-all-hell self and talking about the Masters. As we were walking out it got to the point where I turned to her and yelled "WE DON'T CARE!" Her favorite retarded thing to do and respond to everything by saying "you're" and then whatever you just said to her. Sticking to that, she goes "I don't care about you. You can walk back up." So I did. I know she didn't mean it but I don't give a shit. I do not like her. There. I don't need her to drive me places and annoy the shit out of me at all times.
Then we all went to Target. After I spent like two hours making outfits on polyvore. I feel so lame. The only reason in the whole world that I want to be skinny is so that I could wear whatever the fuck I want. Not for anyone else, but just because I love clothes so much.
I realized once again yesterday how much I really just don't care about any else's life. In terms of people here, anyway. I don't care about their problems or sadness or anything. Is that bad? I just want to go home and not have to think about coming back here. I applied to like four schools today. I just think college is such a waste of my time.


Plus side: I got a really cute bag at Target for the summer. Oh, and the nail polish I've been wanting. That's all the plus side I can muster. I really didn't have the money for those things, my phone is fucked up, I have too much school work to do, and I don't like anyone here right now.

Days 'Til Schools Over: 18
Movies This Month: 13

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